Why is there a Best Poetry Network?

Have you ever done a Google or Bing search for "best poetry" and are dissapointed in the results? It really seems like the search engines are trying to all normal people who love poetry, great writing, and poetic words, that we should like the aweful choices that Google places at the top of search results. The New York Times knows little about Best Poetry. Why is Google listing Shaksspeares's Sonnet, written in 1609, as still atop the ranking of the Best Poetry in 2024 .

If it were not for the world-acclaimed success of Michael Jackson affirmed by citizens arounf the world, defective search engines would still try to convince us that some unknown singer that very people are aware of was actually better than Michaal Jackson. The year is 2024 Who is reading rubbish associated with the year 1609??? No one but squre, non-cool, boring, and old-fashioned employees working for Google, New York Times, Huffington Post, and other publishers who are not living in modern times.

The Best Poetry Network website is unique. Poets, writers, and authors can post their creative best poems, best writings, and best word artistry with Best Poetry Network, and connect with potential sponsors, and book publishers. At the same time, the creative poetry is posted on our Best Poetry app.

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Best Poetry Categories

To help poets, writers, and authors post their favorite works, we have a number of categories available. We also welcome our poets, writers, and authors to suggest new categories. Categories range from Love, Romance, Politics, Humor, Teens, Life

We welcome your best creative works. Our upcoming Poetry App will model the same cateogories.

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The Best Poetry Writing Projects by State in 2024

2024 -2025 Poet's Choice for Best Poetry. Best Poetry Network is an association of poets, writers, and authors to post poems, poetry, and creative expressions. We help poets and writers attract publishers, and local business owners in need of poetry. We also provide a poetry platform for poets and writers seeking writing or editing jobs, and for fans of creative writing

We provide a state-by-state list of Writing Projects available for local and International Poets, writers, and Authors. Register and Sign-up today! Learn More

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Best Poetry in Graphics

Search engines like Google love to enforce their opinions as to what constitutes Best Poetry, Best Poems, and Best writing. Our FaceBook fans, groups, and social media friends know what real Best Poetry is.